
Fashion Design B.F.A.

New Plan: 125 Hours

1. Student must complete the general education core (43 hours).

2. Fashion Management Courses (34 hours):

FMGT 1111Seminar in Fashion Management

FMGT 1301Computer Applications in Fashion

FMGT 1305Introduction to Fashion Management

FMGT 1310Apparel Construction I

FMGT 2323Fashion History I

FMGT 2341Textiles

FMGT 3323Fashion History II

FMGT 3340Textile Product Analysis

FMGT 4307Cultural Perspectives of Dress

FMGT 4331Promotional Strategies in Fashion II

3. Fashion Design Concentration: 45 Semester hours

FADS 1305Introduction to Fashion Design

FADS 1320Apparel Construction II

FADS 2331Flat Pattern

FADS 3320Apparel Construction III

FADS 3325Draping

FADS 3330Advanced Design

FADS 3333Fashion Illustration

FADS 4324Surface Design

FADS 4332

FADS 4340Computer Illustration

FADS 4350Senior Collection I

FADS 4360Senior Collection II

FADS 4382

FADS 4388Internship, Fashion Design

4. Choose one of the following courses:

FADS 4320

FADS 4310Knitwear

5. Art Courses: 9 hours

Choose one of the following courses:

ARTS 1301
ARTS 2301
Drawing I and II


ARTS 1331
ARTS 2311
Two-Dimensional Design/Three Dimensional Design

Choose one of the following courses:

ARTH 2361Art History: Ancient Through Medieval


ARTH 2362Art History: Renaissance to Modern

Choose one of the following courses:

ARTS 2301


ARTS 2320


INTD 2364Color Theory

6. Electives to reach 120 hours, as needed