Learning Goals for the Sociology Major

Sociological Literacy

  • Students who complete the major should be able to articulate orally and in writing:
    • Significant issues and approaches in sociological theory
    • The sociological contours of actual places and populations in the US and abroad and the relationships between them
    • Familiarity with the major fields of sociology, including stratification, race and ethnicity, migration, globalization, social movements, religion, family, gender and sexuality, urban studies and public policy.

Methodological Fluency

  • Students who complete the major should be:
    • Familiar with a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches to sociological analysis
    • Able to read and assess general interest publications on sociological topics
    • Able to grasp and evaluate findings in professional sociological research publications

Sociological Citizenship

  • Students who complete the major should be able to:
    • Apply relevant concepts to social and political issues of contemporary and historical importance in actual societies
    • Be active citizens informed by the study of sociology

Sociological Scholarship

  • Students who complete the major should have the opportunity to become engaged in actual sociological research through advanced coursework, honors theses, individual studies and field work, and collaboration with members of the faculty