Learning Goals in the Chemistry Major

  • Understand and be able to use the material presented in foundation and upper level courses in 4 out of 5 sub-disciplines of chemistry
      • Analytical Chemistry
      • Biochemistry
      • Inorganic Chemistry
      • Organic Chemistry
      • Physical Chemistry
  • Develop laboratory skills with a broad range of techniques in 4 of 5 major sub-disciplines as listed above.
  • Develop critical thinking in the sciences.
  • Develop skills for laboratory work, computational analysis, written and oral communication, and search/comprehension of the scientific literature.
  • Have a knowledge base with problem solving skills such as the ability to
    • Develop testable hypotheses
    • Design and execute experiments
    • Analyze data
  • Perform laboratory work safely and in an environmentally responsible way.
  • To take personal responsibility for learning and to develop a work ethic that includes perseverance and independence.
  • Foster enthusiasm and enjoyment of chemistry. Encourage curiosity and develop confidence in their scientific abilities.